Thursday, 24 October 2013

cover mock ups

This was my first mock up of a cover page. i asked a peer to review this cover and this is what they said:
''There is alot of dead space on the page which could be filled with subheadings and other stories included with in the magazine to improve it.'
'The banner is also placed at the bottom of the page which doesnt stand out to the audience when they look at the magazine. To improve this you could try and experiment with the banner by placing it in different places which would make it stand out the the audience.'

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Layout of my media product ideas

This is a brief layout of my cover for my media product I intend to follow. It follows most of the conventions shown by successful media products.

This is my layout for my contents page. Again it follows familiar conventions of successful magazines in my genre.

Colour Scheme

These are the main colours I have chosen to use on my final product. I have chose these colours as from the website above I have found that they all complement each other well and represent my target audience, I found this from finding other colour schemes from popular magazines in my target audience.

Image planning

Callum Morgan.
Camera height/angle/distance:
long shot / straight ahead / approximately 4 metres away.
Work building.
Nothing added, natural lighting.
Mise-en-scene (including props, costume) :
Modern, casual, informal clothing which is similar to what type of clothing the target audience wear. Large building staircase (blocks)
Attempted connotation:
A feeling of no care and in-formalness, coming from a poor or working class background.
Planned denotation:
Subject posing, looking confident, reflection the life or representation of the target audience.
Contingency (in case of model absence/weather):
If model was absent I would find a different model or wait for my current model to return. The weather will not make a difference other than a lack on natural light in which case a form of unnatural light would be sourced and used instead.
Alternate angle:
I could of used a high angle shot to show the dominance of working class life in an old large building. The angle would show the stairs being above the model representing the height he has to climb to become successful.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Lanuage and Register

This is an article from the rolling stones magazine, I have used this magazine as an example of the kind of lagnuage and register i will be using in my magazine. This article shows how the magazine in its genre appeals to the audience by being both formal and informal at the same time. This is shown by such quotes as "stretch its big feet", this contrasts with the quote "notable artists" as one is a more informal slang metaphor whilst the other being a more sophisticated subsection of artists. I will follow the same language and register in my magazine.

Masthead designs


Font research for music magazine cover

I chose this font because it stands out well and will make my title more effective and attractive to the audience.

I chose this font because it will be effective in relating to the genre of music the magazine is showing and will make the title again stand out and look relative to the magazine.

 I chose this font because it relates to the youth of today and the genre of music that could be chosen for this magazine. It relates to the target audience well and reflects the style of the genre.

Primary Research

I did some primary research to find out what the majority of my target audience of males between the age of 16 and 35 preferred in terms of genre. My research shows that most of my target audience prefer indie music.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Target Audience

This is my research for the target audience for my genre of magazine i will be creating. I have got these statistics from the rolling stones official website as that is the closest magazine to mine in the particular genre. The rolling stones magazine will also be the magazine i will copy and develop conventions of. The statistics show that my main target audience will be male adults aged 18-30.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Evaluation of the preliminary exercise.

1) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of a school magazine?

-My magazine uses a medium close up image which is very conventional for magazines of its type.
-I used some conventional fonts for the more unimportant information on my cover and contents page whilst using unconventional fonts to highlight the more important information so that they get all of the detail needed.

2) How effective is the front page of your magazine in focusing on the ethos of the school?

- My front cover is effective in focusing on the ethos of the school as it shows as the main picture a student in smart uniform dressed appropriately, this shows the schools strict uniform rules and how they are followed by pupils.
- Secondly the small picture on the bottom left shows a student working hard on a computer, this reflects and focus' on the hard working side of the school.

3) What have you learned from your audience feedback?

- One person who looked at my magazine cover and contents page commented on the blandness of the contents page compared to the front cover, I have learned that I need to add more to the contents page so that it does not go from a lot going on to a little going on.
-The same person also commented on the amount of detail used in both pages, I have learned that I need to explain more on points and contents of the magazine.

4) How did you use media technologies in the construction and research planning and evaluation stages?

- First of all I researched existing magazines by using the internet and other school websites to see what they have produced this gave me a good idea of what to add in my school magazine.
- Secondy i used fireworks to produce my product, fireworks allowed me to manipulate and create relevant images and shapes in order to complete my product.